
By strazz

May 3, 2010

Category: other stuff


It’s moving day.

My blog “shooting from the hip” is migrating to the Chicago Tribune website.


The move, preceded by a lot of hard work by Tribune photo leaders Torry Bruno and Robin Daughtridge, is a wonderful thing.

My new home safely within Trib Nation allows me to share both published and unpublished photos, display my images large and hopefully, expand my reach into the non-photo world.

My personal project work from my ongoing Common Ground essay will be moving to a new site, too.


In addition to “shooting from the hip”,  the new Chicago Tribune blog site will also host fellow Tribune photographer Alex Garcia’s blog-  “Assignment Chicago” and the aforementioned Robin Daughtridge’s blog- “Trib Photo Nation” which will highlight other Tribune photo staff work.

Thank you so much for visiting “shooting from the hip” over the past two years and I hope you will continue to stop by at its new location.

©2010 Scott Strazzante/Chicago Tribune