
By strazz

May 3, 2010

Category: other stuff


It’s moving day.

My blog “shooting from the hip” is migrating to the Chicago Tribune website.


The move, preceded by a lot of hard work by Tribune photo leaders Torry Bruno and Robin Daughtridge, is a wonderful thing.

My new home safely within Trib Nation allows me to share both published and unpublished photos, display my images large and hopefully, expand my reach into the non-photo world.

My personal project work from my ongoing Common Ground essay will be moving to a new site, too.


In addition to “shooting from the hip”,  the new Chicago Tribune blog site will also host fellow Tribune photographer Alex Garcia’s blog-  “Assignment Chicago” and the aforementioned Robin Daughtridge’s blog- “Trib Photo Nation” which will highlight other Tribune photo staff work.

Thank you so much for visiting “shooting from the hip” over the past two years and I hope you will continue to stop by at its new location.

©2010 Scott Strazzante/Chicago Tribune

3 Responses to “splitsville”

  1. now changing channel. awesome!

  2. No, Scott, thank you. Thanks for being accessible and sharing some awesome images with us. Greatly appreciate the inspiration and imagery. And of course I’ll be stopping by the new site, bookmarking it now.

  3. Yikes, fell behind a bit there. Updating bookmarks now 🙂

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