please ignore the man behind the camera

I truly enjoy photographing at over-crowded places like museums during spring break or Taste of Chicago or street festivals.

The tremendous amount of random layers is the most delicious part.

However, there is one major problem shooting at these places- polite people.

Normally, I am a fan of conscientiousness but not when I am shooting.

Please be rude. Please walk through my frame when I am taking a photo. Please be clueless to your surroundings.

I appreciate your selfishness.

©2010 Scott Strazzante

5 Responses to “please ignore the man behind the camera”

  1. Nothing more frustrating then planning a shot that includes an anticipated body to only have that body stop moving.
    Long pause…no body…then you look up to see said body standing at your side not wanting to ruin your shot. You were my shot!
    You are correct sir: please, everyone, just keep moving. Thanks.

  2. Exactly. It comes from some weird sort of respect for the camera. Most people use it as a tool to capture posed acknowledgment of the camera. So when they see a camera they think they need to “pose” themselves and stay out of your frame. I have relatives that see me with my camera and immediately freeze, smile and follow the lens wherever it goes.

  3. It seems like when you’d like someone to keep walking, they don’t – but if you don’t want someone walking into your frame, they do. Shooting weddings I’ve had quite a few relatives with cameras – and some without – jump in front of me and my shot. But the most memorable person to try to get into my shot was a nudist who upon seeing me with my camera and the couple I was photographing decided to walk across the beach into my shot.

  4. I chuckled at this one too. I’m constantly telling people “Just keep doing what you’re doing…” when I’m shooting stills or video.

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