
By strazz

December 12, 2009

Category: Sports


I am a photojournalist because of my love of sports and sports photography.

As a teen, my bedroom wall was a shrine to two people Farrah Fawcett and Walter Iooss, Jr..

Each week when Sports Illustrated was delivered to my Chicago home, I would quickly page through the issue and then cut out my favorite images, usually by Iooss, and tape them to the wall just to the right of my stellar beer can collection.

The other side of the room was reserved for Farrah and the SI swimsuit edition.

I still thoroughly enjoy sports photography but my wife doesn’t let me tape anything to the wall.

Here are my favorites from 2009.

©2009 Scott Strazzante/Chicago Tribune

6 Responses to “sportfolio”

  1. I really like these. The between the legs on is still my favorite, but some of the others are really sweet too. I hadn’t seen the Kerr one until today and it is very striking. I too love sports photography. SI’s Year In Pictures is my favorite special edition.

  2. I remember that second one! Good weekend 🙂

  3. Great work Scott!

  4. Beautiful work, Scott. I’d be proud to tape any of those to my wall if I shot them.

  5. Scott,
    Jeff Swinger, staffer at the Cincinnati Enquirer, mentioned your name while we were having dinner in the media room at a basketball game. Although he’s quite a bit younger than me, I consider Jeff to be one of my mentors. When he said to pay attention to your images from the Tribune, I had to see what he was talking about.

    He was spot on.

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